- Weather.- Daily weather forecast ONLINE.- Weather forecast for:- Morning.- Day.- Night.- Temperature.- Direction of the wind.- Mist.- Humidity.- Pressure.- Forecast and precipitation information for 7 days.- Hourly weather forecast rainfall.- Photo wallpapers are set under the meteorological conditionsSupplement "Weather" is very simple to use to always be aware of what the weather will be and what to wear today.Supplement "Weather" was specifically rarabotano for you friends.-One Touch of a finger on your gadget, you get the weather and your current location.-Kartinki Is so bright that you will experience a change in weather conditions is literally on her, seeing how the weather comes alive.-The Detailed weather forecast.NOTE:- Application supports geo-positioning, to obtain the latest weather information for your location.- Hourly, daily and weekly forecasts.- Track the weather conditions in many places.- Widgets for different locations- Smooth user interface- With all the options screen resolution- Ability to switch as you wish Celsius and Fahrenheit.- Ability to disable notifications.